1. Customers Are on Their Phones

Mobile phones have become an inseparable component of our lives. People are always on their phones – during traveling, walking, and even shopping.

Instead of social media and paid ads that are less likely to be seen, proximity marketing in the form of push notification alerts is more effective.

And this isn’t just a presumed fact. The average click-through rate (CTR) of proximity push notification alerts is as high as 80%.

For comparison, the average CTR of email marketing is 1-3%, and for Facebook ads, it’s less than 1%. So imagine the ROI you could achieve if you strategically deploy proximity marketing tactics.

2. Immediate Conversions

Proximity marketing is all about whispering in people’s ears, “Hey, come here.”  People are more likely to walk into a store and make a purchase when they’re nearby.

How many times have you instantly made your mind to enter a store and buy something just because you saw something interesting?

Purchase decisions are often impulsive. If you induce emotion and give people a reason to purchase from you, they’ll most certainly end up buying.

3. Direct Communication with Customers

In other forms of marketing, you need a platform to communicate with your customers. For Google ads, you’d want your customers to use Google. The same goes for Facebook or email.

Proximity marketing doesn’t need any medium.

You can send your potential customers an alert directly in the form of a notification alert. Since notification alerts aren’t easy to ignore, people will end up noticing you.

4. More Beacons, More Touchpoints

Proximity marketing utilizes beacon technology. A beacon device is installed that scans for nearby mobile phones. Once the device detects mobile phones, it automatically sends targeted messages.

Businesses can install multiple beacons and offer different touchpoints to enhance the outcomes of proximity marketing.

You can also customize each beacon to send a unique message. For example, one beacon can send a discount message, whereas the other can ask the user to sign up for the newsletter.

5. In-Depth Analytics and Improved Marketing

Proximity marketing success is easy to track. You can integrate your beacon device with a proximity marketing application to monitor how many people have clicked on the alert and how many of them have come to your store. You can analyze this information to detect any pitfalls in your strategy and make the necessary changes.

6. Need for the Hour

More than 40% of local businesses are using proximity marketing, and another 40% are likely to adopt it within the next three years. And the chances are that the majority of your competitors have already adopted it.

So, if you aren’t already using QR codes and beacons to attract local customers, you might lag behind soon. The revival of offline retail and the need for an omnichannel experience has made proximity marketing essential for every local business.

By raja

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